Thursday, 28 April 2011

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism - reversing Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition which can affect almost, if not all of the body. This is because the Thyroid gland controls practically all metabolic activity in the body and when the Thyroid starts becoming a little sluggish, symptoms can flare up affecting all different parts of the body. Symptoms can include extreme tiredness, depression, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, constipation and weight gain. This article will discuss the conventional method of treating this condition as well as natural remedies for Hypothyroidism and I’ll also explain whether Hypothyroidism can be reversed.

Hypothyroidism happens because there aren’t enough Thyroid hormones in the blood and so the conventional treatment is hormone replacement therapy which uses a synthetic version of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine to replace what isn’t produced by the Thyroid gland. This works for many and symptoms are alleviated as long as the hormones are taken as prescribed. Some people don’t have great results with this method and still suffer from symptoms even when correctly medicated and therefore look for another way to treat this condition.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are an excellent choice as an alternative treatment and that is because they heal and this is done by finding out what the underlying problem is which has caused the Thyroid to slow down. When the underlying problem is found then it can be addressed which in turn promotes healing to take place and hopefully restores the Thyroid gland to its fully functional state.

So what is included in natural remedies for Hypothyroidism? Usually there are a number of different parts to the healing protocol; these might include a healthy diet, healing herbs and vitamin and mineral supplementation. A diet good for someone who suffers from Hypothyroidism would be one which provides nourishment for the Thyroid as well as providing as many of the nutrients as possible for optimal Thyroid function. This kind of diet would include foods containing Iodine and Tyrosine, the two ingredients needed for Thyroid hormones. It would also include foods containing Selenium as this mineral is needed by the body when converting Thyroid hormones in to there more active form. For this type of diet it would also be hugely important to stay away from junk foods and unhealthy snacks as well as avoiding foods containing harmful chemical additives.

It may be necessary to provide additional support to the Thyroid with herb, vitamins and mineral supplements. Doing this will ensure that your body gets everything it needs for the Thyroid to function at its best and a good naturopathic doctor will be able to provide you with a good healing protocol which will outline correct dosages to take.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism target the root cause of the condition which means that whatever is causing your Hypothyroidism will be treated and corrected meaning that your symptoms will be eliminated. On the other hand you could stick with the conventional method of treatment which only masks the symptoms and doesn’t heal anything. It just doesn’t make sense to stick with a treatment that can’t heal your condition.

1 comment:

  1. My husband had his 1st surgery a few months ago, then his thyroid levels decreased. His doctor suggested a thyroid supplement. It's a natural whole gland supplement and I am glad to see the positive results.
