Friday, 22 April 2011

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism - let nature heal your Thyroid!

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland doesn’t function as well as it should do and which means it doesn’t produce enough Thyroid hormones for the body to function correctly. If there isn’t an adequate amount of Thyroid hormones in the blood then the body begins to slow down and a wide range of symptoms can occur. Symptoms can include intolerance to cold, depression, constipation fatigue and weight gain but there can be many more because an underactive Thyroid gland affects all of the body. This article will explain how this condition is treated normally and I’ll also discuss why I think natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are the best way to reverse Hypothyroidism symptoms.

The conventional method of treating Hypothyroidism is by using Thyroid hormone replacement Therapy. This means that every day you would take a synthetic form of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine to top up what isn’t produced by your Thyroid gland. This is all that is needed for some and when the correct dosage is acquired then symptoms will disappear. Unfortunately this method of treatment doesn’t work that well for everyone who takes it with some people still suffering symptoms despite have normal levels of Thyroid hormones in their blood. For these people, natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are an excellent alternative and often give better results than conventional treatment.

To treat Hypothyroidism with natural remedies, you first have to establish what the underlying cause is. What is happening in your body to make your Thyroid slow down? A natural doctor will be able to help you determine the cause by taking a series of blood tests. Once you know the cause you can then decide on a treatment protocol which will address the root cause of the condition.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism usually consist of a detox or healthy diet which includes foods which can help to give the Thyroid gland a helping hand. This kind of diet would probably require that you stay away from junk food and unhealthy snacks as well as avoiding chemical additives in foods. Foods which help Thyroid function are foods which contain nutrients needed by the Thyroid and body for the whole Thyroid system to function optimally and these would include foods containing Iodine, Tyrosine and Selenium.

It can be difficult at first when switching to a healthier lifestyle because you have to check what you’re eating much more. That means reading the labels as well as research which foods contain the nutrients required for good Thyroid function. It will be difficult at first but it doesn’t last long and after a short time you’ll know which kinds of foods are good and which you should avoid.

So how long will it be before I see results? These natural remedies for Hypothyroidism can work very fast for some people and for others it may take longer and this is purely because everybody is different and there can be many different causes of this condition. For this reason it is important to follow your healing protocol and don’t give up on it just because you aren’t getting instant results.

1 comment:

  1. I still have dry skin, and could not lose any weight even with a strict eating and working out. I've been taking bovine thyroid for around 2 months now. My skin has improved ever since i started on bovine thyroid.
