Thursday 28 April 2011

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism - reversing Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition which can affect almost, if not all of the body. This is because the Thyroid gland controls practically all metabolic activity in the body and when the Thyroid starts becoming a little sluggish, symptoms can flare up affecting all different parts of the body. Symptoms can include extreme tiredness, depression, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, constipation and weight gain. This article will discuss the conventional method of treating this condition as well as natural remedies for Hypothyroidism and I’ll also explain whether Hypothyroidism can be reversed.

Hypothyroidism happens because there aren’t enough Thyroid hormones in the blood and so the conventional treatment is hormone replacement therapy which uses a synthetic version of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine to replace what isn’t produced by the Thyroid gland. This works for many and symptoms are alleviated as long as the hormones are taken as prescribed. Some people don’t have great results with this method and still suffer from symptoms even when correctly medicated and therefore look for another way to treat this condition.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are an excellent choice as an alternative treatment and that is because they heal and this is done by finding out what the underlying problem is which has caused the Thyroid to slow down. When the underlying problem is found then it can be addressed which in turn promotes healing to take place and hopefully restores the Thyroid gland to its fully functional state.

So what is included in natural remedies for Hypothyroidism? Usually there are a number of different parts to the healing protocol; these might include a healthy diet, healing herbs and vitamin and mineral supplementation. A diet good for someone who suffers from Hypothyroidism would be one which provides nourishment for the Thyroid as well as providing as many of the nutrients as possible for optimal Thyroid function. This kind of diet would include foods containing Iodine and Tyrosine, the two ingredients needed for Thyroid hormones. It would also include foods containing Selenium as this mineral is needed by the body when converting Thyroid hormones in to there more active form. For this type of diet it would also be hugely important to stay away from junk foods and unhealthy snacks as well as avoiding foods containing harmful chemical additives.

It may be necessary to provide additional support to the Thyroid with herb, vitamins and mineral supplements. Doing this will ensure that your body gets everything it needs for the Thyroid to function at its best and a good naturopathic doctor will be able to provide you with a good healing protocol which will outline correct dosages to take.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism target the root cause of the condition which means that whatever is causing your Hypothyroidism will be treated and corrected meaning that your symptoms will be eliminated. On the other hand you could stick with the conventional method of treatment which only masks the symptoms and doesn’t heal anything. It just doesn’t make sense to stick with a treatment that can’t heal your condition.

Friday 22 April 2011

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism - let nature heal your Thyroid!

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland doesn’t function as well as it should do and which means it doesn’t produce enough Thyroid hormones for the body to function correctly. If there isn’t an adequate amount of Thyroid hormones in the blood then the body begins to slow down and a wide range of symptoms can occur. Symptoms can include intolerance to cold, depression, constipation fatigue and weight gain but there can be many more because an underactive Thyroid gland affects all of the body. This article will explain how this condition is treated normally and I’ll also discuss why I think natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are the best way to reverse Hypothyroidism symptoms.

The conventional method of treating Hypothyroidism is by using Thyroid hormone replacement Therapy. This means that every day you would take a synthetic form of the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine to top up what isn’t produced by your Thyroid gland. This is all that is needed for some and when the correct dosage is acquired then symptoms will disappear. Unfortunately this method of treatment doesn’t work that well for everyone who takes it with some people still suffering symptoms despite have normal levels of Thyroid hormones in their blood. For these people, natural remedies for Hypothyroidism are an excellent alternative and often give better results than conventional treatment.

To treat Hypothyroidism with natural remedies, you first have to establish what the underlying cause is. What is happening in your body to make your Thyroid slow down? A natural doctor will be able to help you determine the cause by taking a series of blood tests. Once you know the cause you can then decide on a treatment protocol which will address the root cause of the condition.

Natural remedies for Hypothyroidism usually consist of a detox or healthy diet which includes foods which can help to give the Thyroid gland a helping hand. This kind of diet would probably require that you stay away from junk food and unhealthy snacks as well as avoiding chemical additives in foods. Foods which help Thyroid function are foods which contain nutrients needed by the Thyroid and body for the whole Thyroid system to function optimally and these would include foods containing Iodine, Tyrosine and Selenium.

It can be difficult at first when switching to a healthier lifestyle because you have to check what you’re eating much more. That means reading the labels as well as research which foods contain the nutrients required for good Thyroid function. It will be difficult at first but it doesn’t last long and after a short time you’ll know which kinds of foods are good and which you should avoid.

So how long will it be before I see results? These natural remedies for Hypothyroidism can work very fast for some people and for others it may take longer and this is purely because everybody is different and there can be many different causes of this condition. For this reason it is important to follow your healing protocol and don’t give up on it just because you aren’t getting instant results.

Monday 4 April 2011

Diet for Hypothyroidism - foods which help to heal your Thyroid gland!

Hypothyroidism is a condition where the Thyroid gland becomes sluggish and doesn’t produce enough Thyroid hormones for the body to function correctly. The thyroid gland although small has a big job to do and handles virtually all metabolic activity in the body and so when Hypothyroidism occurs, many symptoms can manifest. Symptoms can include weight gain, constipation, depression, dry hair, forgetfulness, lack of sex drive and a lack of motivation to name a few. This article will explain how a diet for Hypothyroidism can help to alleviate symptoms and help to make you feel much better.

Making a change to your everyday diet can seem like a big thing but it’s not really that difficult. Eliminating junk foods and processed foods is a great step in the right direction because these types of foods often contain chemical additives. It is also important to include foods which you enjoy as well as including foods which are beneficial to Thyroid health.

A diet for Hypothyroidism should include foods which contain Selenium because the body uses this mineral when converting the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine T4 in to the more active Triiodothyronine T3. The following is a list of foods containing Selenium:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Tuna
  • Beef
  • Cod
  • Turkey
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese

It is also a good idea to consume foods which contain Tyrosine in your diet for Hypothyroidism. Tyrosine is an amino acid and is used together with Iodine in the production of Thyroid hormones. The following is a list of foods containing Tyrosine:

  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Dairy Products
  • Avocados
  • Bananas

The above foods are not the only foods you can eat but you should include those types of foods in your diet for Hypothyroidism because they provide nutrients required in the manufacture of Thyroid glands so you will be giving your Thyroid a much needed helping hand.

It is worth noting that there are some foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism and that is because some foods contain a substance, known as a goitrogen, which can suppress Thyroid function. It goes without saying that anything that suppresses Thyroid function should be avoided, however, these foods can be eaten if cooked thoroughly as cooking inactivates the goitrogens but I would still only eat these types of foods in moderation. The following is a list of foods containing goitrogens:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnips
  • Peaches Pears

In order to get better and alleviate the symptoms it is important to stick to your diet for Hypothyroidism and do everything you can to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Just cutting out things like junk food and unhealthy snacks can give you a great boost towards a healthier lifestyle.

In conclusion I would advise that in order to get yourself feeling better, create an exciting diet for Hypothyroidism which you can easily stick to and enjoy. Remember to include foods including Tyrosine and Selenium and you will soon start to feel the benefits as your symptoms begin to disappear. You will be able to wake up in the morning and have a spring in your step, ready to take on the day and anything it throws at you!

Friday 1 April 2011

Diet for Hypothyroidism - amazing Thyroid boosting food!

Hypothyroidism is a nasty condition which happens when the Thyroid gland which is located in the base of the neck starts to slow down and doesn’t produce enough Thyroid hormones which in turn produces the symptoms of Hypothyroidism such as weight gain, depression, fatigue and constipation to name a few. This article will discuss how a diet for Hypothyroidism can help to boost Thyroid function and help to eliminate symptoms such as the above.

Eating a healthy diet is important for everyone and making sure we eat enough fruit and vegetables as we can, will ensure we’re eating healthily. However, there are some foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism and this is because they can have a detrimental effect on the Thyroid gland. Having this knowledge will ensure that your diet for Hypothyroidism is one which will help to nourish the Thyroid gland and help in reducing your symptoms. Making changes to your diet can be difficult especially if you have stuck to the same type of diet up until now but the changes to your health will be more than worth it.

So what foods should we include in a diet for Hypothyroidism? It is important to eat foods which contain Tyrosine which is an amino acid which is used together with Iodine in the process of making Thyroid hormones. Below are some foods which contain Tyrosine:

  • · Pork
  • · Chicken
  • · Fish
  • · Whole grains
  • · Dairy products
  • · Avocados
  • · Bananas
  • · Legumes

Also important in your diet for Hypothyroidism are foods containing the mineral Selenium because Selenium is used by the body when the Thyroid hormone Thyroxine is converted in to the more active Triiodothyronine. Some foods which contain Selenium are listed below.

  • · Brazil nuts
  • · Tuna
  • · Beef
  • · Cod
  • · Turkey
  • · Eggs
  • · Cottage cheese

Including the above foods in your diet for Hypothyroidism will help to give your Thyroid gland a boost which in turn will help alleviate symptoms. When you start feeling your symptoms disappear you will begin to start noticing little things such as a lift in your mood and more energy and this is what makes it all worthwhile and the changes you made to your diet won’t seem like such a big deal after all.

You now know which foods to include in your diet for Hypothyroidism and so now I’ll explain which foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism. Some foods contain a natural chemical substance known as a goitrogen and these chemicals can suppress Thyroid function which as you can imagine is not what we want. It is worth mentioning though that these foods can be consumed if they are cooked thoroughly because the goitrogens will be inactivated by thorough cooking. The following foods contain goitrogens:

  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Turnips
  • Mustard greens
  • Peaches
  • Pears

Switching to a diet for Hypothyroidism can be difficult especially if you have never had to change it before but in order to get better we must change and once you feel the symptoms start to drop you’ll be over the moon and usually people start to love their new and healthy diet.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Foods to avoid with hypothyroidism - avoid these foods if you want to get better!

This article explains what foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism and why and I’ll also explain which foods can actually make you feel better. This article is only meant as a guide to point you in the right direction when choosing which foods to eat.

We are all told to eat a healthy diet and to stay away from junk foods and this is great advice to follow because many foods contain chemical additives that aren’t really good for us and when we’ve consumed these types of foods over a long period of time they can start to have a negative effect on the body. That being said, there are some foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism which are normally considered healthy choices.

Below is a small list of foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism:

  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Kale
  • Mustard greens
  • Turnips
  • Peaches
  • Pears

Now that you know what foods to avoid with Hypothyroidism, I’ll now explain why you should avoid them. The foods in the above list all contain goitrogenic chemicals. Goitrogenic chemicals suppress the function of the Thyroid gland by interfering with Iodine uptake or in simple terms it stops your Thyroid gland working properly.

Eating a healthy diet everyday is important even if you don’t have any health conditions but more so if you do have a health condition and want to get better. It is a good idea to keep a diary of what you eat each day and to also note down how you felt after eating. By doing this you can eliminate foods from your diet which make you feel worse.

There are foods which can help nourish the Thyroid gland and help to make sufferers of this condition to feel much better. Eating foods rich in the amino acid Tyrosine will help as Tyrosine is combined with Iodine in the production of Thyroid hormones. It is also important to eat foods containing the mineral Selenium because this is needed by the body to convert the Thyroid hormone T4 (Thyroxine) into the more active T3 (Triiodothyronine).

Foods containing Tyrosine:

  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Fish
  • Legumes
  • Dairy products
  • Avocados
  • Bananas

Foods containing Selenium:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Tuna
  • Beef
  • Spaghetti
  • Cod
  • Turkey
  • Eggs

If you are trying to heal yourself using natural methods it is important to remember that just using herbal and vitamin supplements on its own probably won’t give you the results you desire. However, if you combine healing using vitamin and herbal supplements with a healthy diet rich in nutrients which will nourish the Thyroid gland and give it a helping hand you will likely see results much quicker.